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Breaking the Block.

I know it's been a while, but rest assured I have not been sleeping on this.

I resolved to keep a few stories ahead of what I published, using a write-edit-polish system. I'd write the February story, then the March one, then edit February. Then write April, edit March, then polish and publish February. Then write May, edit April, polish and publish March, and so on.

And all went well at first. February was written fairly quickly, March followed in record time and I got my first edit of February done. 

But April? Wow, that one was hard. I've been stuck on it since mid-June.

However, I recently broke through whatever mental barrier was keeping me from putting words to page, and it's been going pretty well since.

I've still got a little way to go to finish it, and then I need to give March a second pass before I finalize February. But expect something new early next year.

After that, things should move more smoothly, with a cadence of (hopefully) three new stories every year..
